长颚(虫兆)属(Neanura)1893年由Mac Gillvary所建立,模式种为N.muscorum(Templeton)。该属为一大属,至1964年已记录了75种,5亚种。1967年底,massaud根据口器的结构,对该属进行了订正。他将该属中下颚呈简单的尖刺状,无缨状叶,上颚仅3—4端齿的种保留在该属内,而将上颚6齿以上,下颚复杂,有缨状叶的种列入别的属。经Massaud订正后的长颚(虫兆)属Neanura(s.str)共48种。目前该属已知种已超过55种。
Two new species of genus Neanura (s.str) from China are described in this paper. The type specimens are deposited in Mianyang Agricultural College, Sichuan. Neanura curvituba sp.nov. (fig. 1)Length 3.4mm. Colour red in living specimens and pale brown when preserved in alcohol. Body with developed and curved tubercles. Ant. Ⅳ dorsally fused with Ⅲ , ventrally separated, and with 2 robuster curved sensory setae. Distal end with a small trilobed bulb. Ant. Ⅲ -organ small, in a deep groove. Mandible slender, with 3 gross distal teeth, the medial tooth with a small basal tooth, maxilla styliform, without fringed lamella, ommata 2 on each side. Head with 13 tubercles, eye tubercle with only 1 seta. The dorsal tubercles of body 688 / 886662. Chaetatoxy as follow: dorso-internal 1/122/24232, dorso-external 2/243/34232, dorso-lateral 4/434/34322. body setae smooth, Unguis with an inner tooth. Furca and tenaculum absent. Abd.6 bilobed and clearly visible from above.This new species is similar to N. latior Rusek 1967, but can be distinguished from the latter by the following charaters: head with only 9 tubercles, chaetatoxy different: dorso-internal 1 / 033 / 22223, dorso-external 2 / 234 / 33323.Holotype (?), paratypes 1 (?),1 (?), Sichuan (Mt. Emei), alt.3000m, 1987-Ⅴ -9, collected by Hu Benwei and Xi Hongjin.Neanura tumulosa sp.nov. (fig.2)Length 1.6-1.7mm. Colour orange in living specimens and white when preserved in alcohol. Ant. Ⅳ dorsally fused with Ⅲ, ventrally separated, with 6 robust curved sensory setae, distal end with a small trilobed bulb. Ant. Ⅲ -organ small in a deep groove. Mandible slender and hyaline, with 3 distal teeth, but the medial tooth without small basal tooth. Maxilla styliform without fringed lamella. Ommata 2 on each side. Head with 12 tubercles, eye tubercle with 2 setae. The dorsal tubercles of body: 488 / 666642. Chaetatoxy as follow: dorso-internal 1/023/22222, dorso-external 2/124/43212, dorso-laternal 2/133/22222. Body setae smooth. Unguis without inner tooth. Empodium absen
Collembola, Neannridae, Neannra, New species.