An investigation on the ecology of Talimu big head mountain carp [Aspiorhenchus laticeps(Day)]was carried out in the waters of Yerqiang River,Akesu River,Toskan River,Kunalik River,Talimu River,Bositeng Lake,Kaidu River,Tiane(swan)Lake,Daxihaizi Reservoir, Weigan River,Kezier Reservior,Cherchen River and a newly found lake namde Kayelqke Lake during the years of 1992 and 1994.The investigation primarily demonstrated the fish's distribution,ecology and amount.Talimu big head mountain carp distributed in the warm and still waters at an altitude between 800 and 1 200m,with a maximum altitude of 1 500m.Tailimu big head mountain carp make short distance migration In spawning season.Nowadays, Talimu big head mountain carp were only found in the Aiximan lakes in lower reach of Akesu River, Kaylake Lake of Cherchen River and Kezier Reservoir.The fish is nearly extinct.Talimu big head mountain carp is a large sized,carnivorous species that grows fast,sexually matures late,and is low reproductive. The growth parameters calculatde with Von.Bertalanffy's growth equation(-K =0. 063,t_o= 0.275,L∞=25 884g,tip=17.1 year,t_(max)= 47.2 year)are similar to that calculated based on the biggest specimens in the history.A preliminary study on the feeding habit,spawning and ecological environment was also done in this paper.The reasons of the nearly extinction of the fish are:1,the strict requirement of environment, the narrow distribution, the late sexually mature age,the low reproductivity and the sluggish swimming behaviour,all of which make the restoration of the populations difficult;2.construction of dams that destroyed the fish's feeding habitats and blocked its spawning migration routes;3. high capture intensity;4.lacking of protective measures.We suggest the following protective measures for Talimu big head mountain carp:1.to establish a state-run nature preserve for the fish;2.to control capture intensity;3.to start artificial reproduction and recruitment;4.searching for new habitats in the Cherchen River;5.to make the law
Chinese Journal of Fisheries