Macro mineral elements content is one of the important factors effect- ing the herbage quality,60species of herbage in Alashan desert district in Inner Mongolia were studied in this aspect.The results were that A- rnebia fimbriata Maxim had the highest Ca content (8.78%)and Cala- magrostis epigejos (L.) Roth had the least one (0.031%);Ajania achilloides(Turcz)Grub had the highest P content(0.26%)and An- abasis brevifolic C.A.Mey.had the least one(0.096%);Calligonum mongolicum Turcz.had the highest Mg content (1.67%),Ephedra sinica Stapf and Clematis fruticosa Turcz.had the least one(0.11%); Karelinia caspia(Pall.)Less.had the highest S content (3.28%)and Asterothamnus centraliasiaticus Novopokr.had the least one(0.012%). The families containing 6 species abovy in 60 species of herbage were Grass Family,Legume Family,Composite Family,Goosefoot Family and C- altrop Family in the average of lotal Ca.Mg.S.P.contents of every famtly Caltrop Family had the highest one(3.86%)and Grass Family had the lest one(0.75N).