目的 改良面中部翻揭术在鼻窦鼻腔肿瘤中的应用。方法 对 5例鼻窦鼻腔恶性肿瘤及 1例鼻窦鼻腔内翻性乳头状瘤行改良面中部翻揭术 ,手术方法、效果与鼻侧切开术相比较。结果 应用改良面中部翻揭手术切除鼻窦鼻腔肿瘤有充分暴露、不留疤痕、术中出血少之优点 ,同时取得了满意的疗效。结论 改良面中部翻揭术不但适用于一侧鼻、鼻窦及鼻咽良性及低度恶性肿瘤。而且对与范围较广的恶性肿瘤也适用 ,因此改良面正中翻揭术可取代大部分鼻侧切开手术。
Objective To study application of improved medifacial degloving in nasal tumortomy. Method Five patients with malignant nasal tumor and one patient with nasal varus papilloma were operated on by improved medifacial degloving,and compare the effect with Moures cut. Results Enough exposure and scarless and less bleeding were achieved by this procedure,and satisfied results obtained. Conclusion Improved medifacial degloving can not only applicate to benign or less malignant nasal tumor but also to malignant nasal tumor, and therefore it can replace Moures cut in most patients.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui