经调查 ,深圳市共有重要药用植物资源 12 4科 2 11种 ,其中蕨类植物 2 0科 2 0种 ,裸子植物 3科 3种 ,被子植物 88科 174种 ,单子叶植物 13科 15种 ,其中只有桫椤等国家一级保护植物被很好的保护起来 。
According to an investigation,there are about 124 families,212 species of medicinal plants;including 20 families,20 species of pteridophyte;3 families,3 species of gymnospemae; 88 families,174 species of angiospermae; 13 families,15 species of monocotyledon,only Cyathes spinulosa Wall which is a kind of I protective plant has been conserved well,most of other medicinal plants should be further developed and utilized.
Chinese Wild Plant Resources