利用大型水分试验场遮雨棚遮挡自然降水 ,采用人工定量补水进行冬小麦土壤含水量占田间持水量 4 0 %~ 5 0 %、4 5 %~ 5 0 %、5 0 %~ 5 5 %、5 0 %~ 60 %、5 5 %~ 60 %、60 %~ 70 %持续时间分别为 5、1 0、1 5 d水分胁迫处理的控制试验。试验结果表明 :控制期结束复水后 ,5 0 %~ 60 %、5 5 %~ 70 %水分胁迫处理能诱发冬小麦根、茎、叶、总生物量显著增长或明显减缓其衰老速率。土壤含水量占田间持水量 5 0 %~ 60 %处理 ,具有明显的增产、节水效应。确定土壤含水量占田间持水量 5 5
Using large movable rainshelters to keep off precipitation, the field experiments on the effects of treatments of different soil moisture and duration on the growth, development and yield of winter wheat are conducted by controlled irrigation. The responses of the growth, development and yield of winter wheat to water stress are studied, and processes and methods to improve water use efficiency and to mitigate spring drought are also discussed. These studies provide scientific bases for economical irrigation, and guarantee the stable and high yield of winter wheat as well. The experiment was carried out at the agrometeorological experimental station of China Meteorological Administration (located in Gucheng, Dingxing county, Hebei Province, 39°08′N, 115°48′E) from March 1997 to June 1998. The selected winter wheat variety in the experiment is Jingdong 6 (main planting variety in the area). All of the control experiments were made in plots, and the experiments from October 1997 to June 1998 were divided into two groups (from regreening to elongation and from elongation to flowering). Precipitation over the plots can be shut out by large movable rainshelters, and the plots can be irrigated with the calculated irrigation amount according to different soil moisture treatments. The soil relative moistures for different treatments were controlled at 40%~50%, 50%~60%, 60%~70% and CK (80%) from March to June 1997, and 45%~50%, 50%~55%, 55%~60% and CK (80%) from Oct. 1997 to June 1998, respectively. The duration of water treatments was 5, 10 and 15 days, respectively, and after the duration of treatment, soil moisture resumes to the level of the control experiment. Because of the limited number of plots, every treatment was repeated in only two plots. The area of every plot was 8 square meters (2m×4m), with concrete waterproof walls (2 meters in depth) to prevent the horizontal exchange of soil water, and the soil of every plot was original. The planting and managing measures of the plots were as same as t
Acta Ecologica Sinica
"九五"国家科技攻关研究 ("农业气象灾害防御技术研究"96-0 2 0 -0 1 -0 1 )资助项目