目的 观察切除甲状腺以后胎羊脑垂体中促甲状腺激素 (TSH )、促生长激素 (GH )和催乳素(L TH)细胞的变化。方法 实验用怀有双胎的母绵羊 2只 ,分别在妊娠中期对其中 1只胎羊行甲状腺切除术 ,另1只胎羊作为正常对照。术后母绵羊继续妊娠 ,待足月后行剖腹产取胎羊。然后用免疫复合物染色 (PAP)方法观察胎羊脑垂体细胞。结果 发现去甲状腺胎羊 (去甲胎羊 )垂体前叶出现肥大的去甲状腺细胞 (去甲细胞 ) ,并有两种类型 ,有的去甲细胞胞浆染色浅 ,胞浆内有空泡 ,有的去甲细胞胞浆染色深 ,无空泡。而在正常对照的胎羊则不出现上述类型细胞。GH细胞大多数较正常组的 GH细胞直径小。
Objective To study the morphological changes in TSH, GH, LTH cells in pituitaries of thyroidectomized fetal sheep.Methods Two groups of double fetal sheep were divided in this experment. The Experimental fetal sheep were thyroidectomized in media period of gestation .However, the control fetal sheep were not. After surgical intervention the fetal sheep continued on its gestation. Immunohistochemical staining on the pituitary with peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) complex methods.Results Hypertrophied TSH cell,thyroidectomy cell in pituitaries of thyroidectomized fetal sheep were observed.Two major types of thyroidectomycell were moted.Some of the thyroidectomy cell stained very faint with vacules in the cytoplasm, while others exhibited intensely staining no vacules in the cytoplasm,. Only a few TSH cells of the above types could be seen in the control sheep pituitary. GH cell in pituitary of thyroidectomized fetal sheep.were smaller than controls.Conclusions Thyroidectomized fetal sheep may effect morphological changes of the cell in the anterior pituitary of the fetal sheep.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
卫生部合同课题基金资助 ( 1982 -5 )