埃里克森的青年期人格发展理论 ,强调“自我”和情感的作用 ,又考虑到文化和社会因素的影响。要使青年期人格健康发展 ,就必须完成青年期的心理社会任务—建立自我同一性和防止同一性混乱。强调必须为青年提供完成心理社会任务必要的社会条件。同时 ,防止消极同一性的产生。埃里克森的青年期人格发展理论对高校的人格教育 ,培养大学生的健康人格具有重大的启示意义 ,应取其精华 ,去其不足 。
Erikson's theory of youth personality development emphasises the functions of “ego' and affection, and the influence of culture and society. To achieve healthy development of youth personality, psychological tasks for yorth have to be accomplished, that is, to establish ego identity to prevent the confusion of identity. stress is made on providing youth with necessary social context to accomplish the tasks, and preventing the negative identity. Erikson's theory sheds lights on the persona lity education in higher education, and the development of college students' healthy persona lity. Meanwhile, we shouldtake advantage of the merits of the theory and get rid of its weaknesses to meet our needs.
Guangxi Higher Education Research