从对陶渊明的创作心理、生存心理、社会心理的分析和研究入手 ,探讨陶渊明隐居生活的动因和价值 ,试析陶渊明的孤独而且超脱的隐居生活对他创作的巨大影响 ,说明了在今天这样一个社会背景下重新认识陶渊明的必要性。
This essay probes into Tao Yuan-ming's creative psychology, the surviving mentality, social psychology. Through the discussion, it tries to make the reader understand the motive and value of Tao Yuan-ming's hermetic life, the great effects of his solitary and unconventional life on his creations. It then explains the necessity of seeing him in a new light in modern time.
Journal of Qingdao Education College