船舶运动形成复杂的流场 ,难以建立准确的数学模型 ,因此对其操纵性能进行仿真和理论计算十分困难。该文根据实验数据 ,用神经网络辨识方法建立了某船的水动力模型。实践证明 :用神经网络辨识方法所建立的数学模型能够真实地反映船舶的运动特性。该文为研究非线性的水动力问题提供了一种行之有效的方法。
There is a complicated fluid field because of the ship motion,It is difficult to build a accurate mathematical model,and makes it impossible to simulate and calculate the maneuverability of the ship accurately.In this paper we uses the method of the neural network to build the hydrodynamic models of a ship according to experimental data. The results show that the mathematical model reflect the motion characteristic of the ship exactly. It is a effective method to solve the nonlinear hydrodynamic questions.
Computer Simulation