During the period from October to November, 1986, an experimental artificial cultivation of Ulva pertusa has been conducted under various conditions at the Wakayama Prefectural Aquaculture center, Japan. Presented in this paper are the results of calculations of its propagation rate and considerations of its optimum culture conditions.
1. There is no significant difference between the cultures grown in intermittent-flowing water and running water, but by using the former culture method in summer, the production cost can be reduced.
2. In the process of fertilization, if urea is replaced by the same amount of ammonium sulfate, it is found that the propagation rate is about the same. Although the ammonium sulfate is given in half dose, the difference in propagation rates is still negligible, which enables a considerable cost of fertilizer to be reduced: 48.1—74.1%(in China), or 50.0—75.0%(in Japan).
3. At the beginning if plants are cultured at a density of lkg/m^3,the propagation rate occurred is lower than that by using theconventionalmethod (0.5kg/ m^3). But in continuous cultivation, the harvest which can be used as feed is more in quantity than that by using the conventional method.
4. When varisized plants are put into cultivation, the highest propagation rate occurs by using the conventional method, according to which the plants are cut into pieces of 3—4cm wide.
5. Of the factors affecting the results of artificial cultivation, it can be seen that aeration plays more important role than renewal of water.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology