介绍CFG桩与碎石桩组合造就复合地基在南宁机场高速公路软基处理中的应用。从机理、设计、施工进行分析 ,并经现场检测证明 ,这是一种有效的公路软基处理新方法 ,它能够克服单一传统复合地基桩的弱点 ,达到优势互补。
The use of the composite pile, in the course of the soft ground treatment of airport Expressway, which is composed of CFG pile and crushed stone pile , is introduced in this paper. By means of analysing the mechanism, the design and the construction of the composite pile, and examining it on the building side, it is testified that this type of composite pile is a new and effective method to dealing with soft ground of highway , because it can overcome the weak points of the two types of traditional simple pile , CFG pile and crushed stone pile, and achieve the objective of mutual complement of their strong points .
Guangxi Communication Science & Technology