硝酸盐作为原地浸出采矿的氧化剂和饱和树脂淋洗剂 ,已成功地应用于国内某些铀矿山。然而残留于矿层中的NO- 3及其降解产物NO- 2 与NH+4均属环保法规严格限制的污染物。本研究通过理论分析和模拟试验、以及对模拟试验和生产现场的浸出液的对比分析 ,意在弄清NO- 3的消耗、积累和降解情况 ,为确定经济有效的环保方案提供参考和依据。研究结果表明 ,NO- 3来源于NO- 3型树脂吸附 (铀 )初期 ,其中用于氧化Fe2 +所消耗的NO- 3仅占进入浸出液系统的一部分 ,其余的则积累于矿层及浸出液中 ;NO- 3的主要降解产物是NO- 2 。
As an oxidant in in-situ leach of uranium and elute of saturated resin, nitrate has been successfully applied to several mines in our country. But the residual NO- 3 in ledge and its degradation products NO- 2 and NH+ 4 are all pollutants, which are closely confined by environmental laws. So how to remove them from ledge effectively and to prevent the subsoil water from being polluted has become a problem, to which some mineral enterprises and departments of environment pay attention. Our object is to learn the situation of NO- 3's consummation, accumulation and degradation by theoretical and experimental study on extraction solution from simulating experiment and production field. The research shows that NO- 3's accumulation originates principally from the initial stage when NO- 3-resin absorbs uranium from extraction solution,and its main degradation product is NO- 2.
Journal of Guilin University of Technology