萤光网对中上层鱼、近底层鱼的增产效应大多为全昼夜性的 ,对底层鱼的增产效应多数为非全昼夜性的 ;对于有全昼夜性增产效应的种 ,萤光网的增幅、比增与其渔获量显著相关 ,对于非全昼夜性增产效应的种则否 ;萤光网作业最具特征的是 ,随自然光照条件变化 ,其作业效率依渔获种的视觉性能及视觉功能转换状况而发生变化。
The fluorescent trawl net increases in a diurnal cycle the catch of pelagic and epibenthic fishes but a non diurnal cycle the catch of benthic fishes. In the former case, the amplitude of increased catch and specific increase of the fluorescent trawl net are distinctly correlated to the amount of catch. In the latter case, there is no such as correlation. The most prominent characteristics of the fluorescent trawl net is that its operational efficiency changes with visual performance and visual function variation of the fishes to be caught under the change of natural radiation.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait