为了巩固经 15年选育而成的团头鲂良种—浦江一号的成果 ,并建立纯系以供进一步研究和开发 ,1999年和 2 0 0 0年 ,先后对团头鲂选育系三龄鱼 (F5)和二龄鱼 (F6)进行了雌核发育 (抑制第二次成熟分裂 )研究。利用UV照射遗传失活的鲤鱼精子诱导 ,采用冷休克方法 ,抑制团头鲂第二极体排出 ;探索了适合团头鲂二龄及三龄鱼卵的休克温度、起始时间和持续时间 ,结果发现 :二龄鱼和三龄鱼诱导起始时间均在受精后 3min效果最好 ,而在休克温度和持续时间上稍有差异 ,其中三龄鱼在 0~ 2℃冷休克处理 30min、二龄鱼在 4~ 6℃冷休克处理 2 0min效果较佳。 2年期间 ,建立了源于选育系 3尾雌亲鱼的 3个雌核发育群体 ,共获得正常的雌核发育鱼后代 10 0 0余尾。RAPD分析发现 ,选育系群体具有引物S8扩增的 110 0bp条带 ,而雌核发育群体具有引物S18扩增的 86 0bp条带 ;雌核发育群体内遗传相似度显著高于选育系群体 ,其遗传距离仅为选育系群体内遗传距离的 5 4%。
In 1999 and 2000, gynogenesis was carried out based on 3-year old (F 5) and 2-year old (F 6) fish respectively, in order to maintain the response of genetic improved blunt snout bream(Megalobrama amblycephala) which was named strain Pujiang 1 (selected for 15 years), and establish pure lines for further study. Gynogenetic fry were produced by cold-shocking eggs, activated with UV-irradiated common carp sperm (1∶3 diluted, two Philips 30W germicidal tubes, 253.7nm, 10cm distance between lamp and sperm surface), inhibiting the second polar body extrusion. The optimal treatment conditions including cold-shock temperature, treat time after fertilization and duration time were investigated and selected to fit for 2-year old eggs and 3-year old eggs. The optimal treat time after fertilization was similar 3min in 2-year and 3-year old eggs. But the optimal cold-shock temperature and duration time had some differences (0-2℃, 30min for 3-year eggs and 4-6℃, 20min for 2-year eggs). Three gynogenetic groups were established and more than 1000 normal gynogenetic fry were produced by 2-year experiment. Using RAPD methods, heredity differences (genetic variations) of gynogenetic fry (G 1) and non-gynogenetic fry (F 6) were compared and analyzed. The 1100bp band amplified by primer S 8 was only found in F 6 group, the 860bp band amplified by primer S 18 was only found in gynogenetic fry (G 1) group. The two bands could be used as molecular markers of these two groups. The genetic distance among gynogenetic fry G 1 was much less and only 54 % of F 6 group.
Journal of Fisheries of China
上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目 [农科攻字 ( 98)第 0 1-12号 ]