建立了丝裂霉素C的薄层扫描测定方法。以硅胶GF2 54 为吸附剂 ,甲醇 醋酸乙酯 (1∶3 )的混合溶液为展开剂 ,测定波长为 3 60nm ,参比波长 2 90nm ,工作曲线在 0 5~ 5 0 μg范围内呈线性关系 ,相关系数r=0 9993 ,平均回收率为 1 0 7% ,相对标准偏差RSD =6 4 3 % (n =7)。该法可用于丝裂霉素C发酵液及洗脱液等样品的含量测定 。
TLC-densitometry of mitomycin C was established.S ilica gel GF 254 was selected as adsorbent.The developing solvent was MeOH and EtOAc(1∶3).Detect ion was performed at 360nm, standard curve showed a linearity within the range o f 05~50μg (r=09993), and the average recovery was 107%, RSD=684% ( n=7).This method can be used in the determination of fermentation broth, eluan t.A convenient and fast method was provided for the quality control of mitomyc in C in fermentation broth and eluant
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology