大袋蛾是刺槐、悬铃木、泡桐等树木的主要害虫 ,食性杂 ,危害重。利用四斑尼尔寄蝇防治大袋蛾试验 ,结果表明 ,在 7月中下旬 ,每公里林带释放四斑尼尔寄蝇 6 0 0 0只 ,寄生率达到 92 7% ,叶片保存率 82 %以上。以虫治虫 ,一次释放 ,多年受益 ,达到了有虫不成灾 ,保护环境 。
Cryptothelea variegata Snellen is the main pest of Robinia pseduoacacia L., Plantanus hispanica Muenchh,and Paulownia tomentosa. Its feedling pattern is diverse,and its harm is heavy.Since 1997,experiments were made against Cryptothelea variegata Snellen with Nealsomyia rufella Bezzi in Pingdu area.In July, Nealsomyia rufella Bezzi were released 6 000 per km forest zone.The parasitic ratio to the pest reached 92 7%,and leaf reservation ratio got over 82%.The effect can be attained for not causing disaster with insects in many years,protecting the environment and reducing cost.
Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology
青岛市林业科技推广与科研计划 (青林字 [2 0 0 0 ] 3 6号 )