介绍了一种基于无源声表面波(SAW)器件的无线传感器.作为敏感器件的 SAW器件由作为换能器的 ID-Tag和一组反射栅组成.由访问系统发射出的电磁波通过 ID-Tag在 SAW器件上激励起声表面波,此声表面波在器件表面传播,被SAW器件本身状态参数调制后,反射回波再通过ID-Tag转变成电磁波向空间发射.因此对访问系统接收到的回波信号进行分析即可得到被测量。即实现了无线传感.由于以SAW器件为敏感元件可以研制各种各样的物理量、化学量传感器,这种无线访问传感系统可在各种场合得到应用.
This paper introduces a wireless sensor based upon a passive surface acoustic wave (SAW) device. As the sensing element, an ID-tag and several reflectors are designed on the SAW device. The interrogate system emit a pulse of radio frequency electromagnetic wave which excites a surfaCe acoustic wave transmitting along the surface of the SAW device. The transit time of the acoustic wave is affected by the parameter of the SAW device. Thus when the reflected acoustic wave excites electromagnetic wave through ID-tag and received by the interrogate system, the parameter to be sensed can be get from analyzing the transit time. Because many kinds of physical/cliemical sensors can be developed based upon the SAW device, this wireless interrogation sensing system can be widely used in many applications.
Acta Acustica