目的 :探讨心身疾病患者的述情障碍及相关因素。方法 :采用多伦多述情障碍量表 (TAS) ,艾森克成人个性问卷 (EPQ)、SIMH精神卫生自评量表 (SCL -90 )测查了 42例原发性高血压患者 ,40例 2型糖尿病患者 ,并以 45例正常人作对照。结果 :两组患者均有述情障碍 ;原发性高血压患者描述情感的能力欠缺 ,不易认识和区别情绪和躯体感受 ,多属外向型思维 ;2型糖尿病组除以上三方面述情障碍外 ,还具有缺乏幻想和想象力的特点。多元相关分析发现 ,原发性高血压组 ,个性越内倾 ,描述情感能力越欠缺 ;2型糖尿病组 ,个性越内倾 ,越难以认识和区分情绪和躯体的感受 ;两组情绪越不稳定 ,对情感的描述能力以及认识、区别情绪和躯体的感受的能力越低下。多元逐步回归分析发现 ,心怀敌意及情绪不稳定的个性缺陷是原发性高血压患者述情障碍的重要因素 ;偏执和精神质个性缺陷是 2型糖尿病患者述情障碍的重要因素。结论 :原发性高血压和 2型糖尿病患者普遍存在述情障碍 。
Objective: To investigate factors related to alexithymia of patients with essential hypertension or type 2 diabetes mellitus Method: 42 patients with essential hypertension, 40 with diabetes mellitus and 45 healthy control were assessed by TAS (Toronto Alexithymia Scale), SCL-90 and EPQ (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire) Multiple correlation analysis and multiple stepwise regression were used in data analysis Result: Compared with normal control, patients with hypertension or diabetes showed alexithymia They were deficient in the ability of describing emotion, recognizing and distinguishing between emotion and body feeling, and used to extroversion thought Besides these, patients with diabetes showed fancy-lacking either There was close relation between personality and alexithymia The more introversive of the hypertensives, the more deficient they were in describing emotion The more introversive of the diabetics, the more deficient they were in recognizing and making distinguish between emotion and body feeling Hostility ideation and neuroticism of hypertension patients were major factors related to alexithymia Paranoid ideation and psychoticism had similar effects in diabetics Conclusion: Patients with essential hypertension or diabetes have alexithymia relating to their personality traits and psychological state
Chinese Mental Health Journal