为了解发作期支气管哮喘病人的心理健康状况 ,采用症状自评量表 (SCL -90 )进行问卷调查 ,并与国内常模进行比较。结果显示 :发作期支气管哮喘病人SCL-90各因子分高于国内常模 (P <0 .0 1)。住院两次以上病人因子分均高于初次发病者 ;文化程度较低者焦虑、抑郁、偏执得分高于文化程度较高者 ;女性病人躯体化、强迫症状、抑郁、焦虑得分均高于男性。说明发作期支气管哮喘病人存在有心理问题。护理人员要给予及时的评估及护理 ,以减少反复发作。
To understand the psychological health status of attacking stage patients with bronchial asthma, 33 in-patients were surveyed by filling up questionnaire and compared to the customary model in our country. Results showed that the symptomatic factor score of SCL-90 in attacking stage bronchial asthma patients were higher than the customary model in our country (P<0.01). Factor score was higher in patients who had been admitted to hospital twice or more than in primary attack patients. The score was higher among patients with lower education or with anxiety, depression, and paranoid than those who had high education. And the scoring of somatization, compulsion symptoms, depression and anxiety were higher in female patients than that in male patients. Denoted that there were some psychological problems in attacking stage patients of bronchial asthma. Suggested that nursing staff evaluate and take care of these patients in time so that it can decrease the recurrence rate of asthma.
Chinese Nursing Research
Bronchial asthma
Psychological status
Symptom Self-evaluation Scale