随着关税壁垒作用日益削弱 ,技术性贸易壁垒 (TBT)作为更隐蔽而且作用更强大的壁垒 ,客观上成为我国出口贸易的巨大障碍。究其原因 ,主要在于我国出口产业的弱质性和对TBT管理水平较低。因此我国应采用国际标准 ,有针对性地加强TBT管理 ,畅通信息渠道等 ,以提高我国出口产品的竞争力。
With the reduction of Tariff barriers,TBT has became a great obstacle to China export trade as a more concealed and strong barrier.We attribute it to the low quality and low level management to TBT of the export goods.So the competive ability of export goods should be improved by undertaking the international criterion,strengthen the management of TBT,smoothing the channel of imformation transmission.
Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute