奥陶系中统泥灰岩是一种特殊的碳酸盐岩 ,通过万家寨引黄工程区泥灰岩的成因、地层岩性特征以及岩块物理、水理、力学等试验资料分析 ,对泥灰岩的工程地质特性有了进一步的认识。泥灰岩岩性软弱 ,具有中等耐久性、膨胀性、腐蚀性 ,以及流动变形等工程地质特性。为了确保万家寨引黄工程安全施工 ,以及建成后安全运行 ,设计。
The clay marl of Ordovician system is a special carbonaceous rock. Through analysis on the genesis, rock properties of stratum, and physical and mechanical features of rock body of the clay marl in the YRDP area, the further knowledge on engineering geologic characteristics of the clay marl is obtained: softness of rock properties, medium durability, expandability, corrosion and flow deformation. Finally, the suggestion that the characteristics of the clay marl must be considered in design and construction is given in order to ensure the safe construction of the YRDP, and the safe operation after the completion of the YRDP.
Shanxi Hydrotechnics