土壤质量演变机理及调控土壤质量相关技术的研究是国内现代土壤学研究的热点 ,也是各国政府非常关注的问题。土壤质量是土壤提供植物养分和生产生物物质的肥力质量 ;容纳、降解、净化各种污染物质促进生态平衡的环境质量 ;影响动植物及人类安全的健康质量的综合量度。不断提高土壤肥力质量是确保农业高产优质基础 ;努力改善土壤环境质量是确保土壤 (水及空气 )等资源可持续利用的关键 ;深入研究土壤健康质量的理论与相关技术是确保人畜安全和丰富健康的物质生活的重要途径之一。提高土壤质量是农业和人类社会持续发展的需求。“土壤质量演变规律及土壤资源可持续利用”立为国家重点基础研究发展规划项目后的近两年中已取得了有价值的阶段性成果。
Study on the principles of soil quality changing and development of related soil techniques is now the research hot point in modern soil sciences,and also has been interested by most of the government bodies in world .The definition of soil quality is the integrated soil capacity of soil to function within escosystem and land use boundary. The capacity is to provide plant essential nutrients and biological productivity;to accommodate,degrade and clean up those pollutants into the soil system;to effect or promote on the health of plant ,animal and human beings.Improving soil fertility quality is the key for higher efficiency,yield and quality agricultural production;friendly soil environment quality is the background for sustainable use of soil resources:sound soil healthy quality is the demand of life security and happiness of all inhabitants in earth village.It has achieved some important progress since this project has been approved as one of the national major basic research plan projects two years ago.
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