谚语是民族的智慧、经验的结晶 ,也是民族语言词汇材料中的重要组成部分。世界各民族都有自己的谚语。它从产生到发展都与民族的种种特性紧密相联。谚语反映了民族的历史事迹、自然风貌、文化传统、心理状态、乡土习俗、宗教信仰等方方面面。认识谚语的民族性对了解、研究民族的历史、社会、文学、心理、民俗。
Proverb is the crystal of the national wisdom and experience as well as the important part of vocabulary of national languages .It has connected closely with the national characteristics ever since its appearance and its development. Proverb reflects many aspects of the nation such as the historical stories; natural style and features; cultural traditions; psychology; native conventions; the faiths etc. The knowledge of the nationalism of proverbs can help to understand and study the national history; society; culture; psychology; folk-customs; language.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University