伟大的俄国现实主义作家契珂夫 ,不仅是一位饮誉全球的小说巨匠 ,而且还是一位杰出的戏剧家。他早期创作的《求婚》 ,是世界著名的独幕喜剧。它描写了 10 0年前俄国地主家庭的生活 ,展示了地主的性格特征和心灵的空虚。
Chekhov, great Russian realistic writer, is not only famous worldwide as a master of novel but also as a brilliant dramatist. 'Courtship', which was written in his early years, is a world-famous one-acter. It describes the life of a Russian landlord one hundred years ago and exposes the landlord's character features and emptiness of his soul.
Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology