马克思哲学之实践唯物主义解释不同于历史唯物主义解释。以实践为逻辑轴线的实践唯物主义 ,体现了科学实践观之主体性和客观性、目的性和手段性、价值性和真理性、革命性和科学性的多重的统一 ,这种统一的实质也就是实践唯物主义的哲学观和唯物史观的统一。这一统一不但将1845年前后的马克思联系在一起 ,而且也将马克思的全部著述联系在一起。历史唯物主义注重马克思哲学的唯物史观 ,因而仅注意了马克思哲学实践观的客观性、规律性、真理性和科学性一面 ,因此不但割裂了 1845年前后的马克思 ,而且将
The Marxist practical materialism and historical materialism differ in their definition. Logically threaded with the practice, the practical materialism incarnates the multi-ply unity of quality including the subjectivity and objectivity, the purpose and the instrumentality, the value and verity, and the revolution and scientism, in terms of the scientific view of practice. The essence of this unity equates with that of the philosophical outlook and historical materialism. It associates not only Marx before and after 1845, but also all of Marx's works. Stressing the materialist conception of history, the historical materialism pays attention to only the aspects of the objectivity, orderliness, verity and scientism, so as to view Marx before and after 1845 in isolation. More over, a lot of his study on the practice was excluded from the philosophical thought of Marx.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University