马克思关于先进生产力代表理论的有关论述 ,特别是马克思晚年提出的跨越“资本主义卡夫丁峡谷”的思想 ,为后人提出了一个重大的历史课题 ,即无产阶级及其政党在经济文化相对落后的国家取得胜利后 ,如何成为先进生产力的代表。邓小平以“建设有中国特色的社会主义”为主题 ,创造性地回答了这一课题 ,其理论成果构成马克思先进生产力代表理论的当代形式。
This paper investigates the main content of Marx's theory on the advanced productive forces and the process of its development, and analyses his late thought of “leaping over the capitalist Furcae Caudinae” and the influence of his “representative thory”.Before the later generations Marx put a great hisorical question that how the proletariat and its Party became the representatives of the advanced productive forces after they won the victory in the countries comparatively backward in economy and culture. Deng Xiaoping gave his creative nswer to this question with his theory of “building socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which became the modern form of Marx's theory on this subject.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)