改革开放以来 ,师范院校历史学科教学中存在的问题逐渐暴露出来 ,严重影响了素质教育的推行。要解决存在的问题 ,唯一的办法是改革 ,优化和调整历史专业学生的专业知识结构 ,使学生真正成为有能力、会思考。
With the reform and opening to the outside world,problems are coming upon us gradualy in the teaching of history subjects in teachers'colleges,which seriously hindered the implementation of quality education.To solve the problems,the only way is to reform,to optimize and restructure the professional knowledge of the history major students so that students can really be aualified,competent,capable of thinking,and have staying power.
Journal of Chongqing Teachers College