改进与加强思想政治工作 ,必须找到问题的症结所在。当前急需解决的问题一是建立一支高素质的专业政工队伍 ;二是把思想政治工作的着力点放到社区 ,三是解决群众普遍关心的党风廉政建设问题 ,根除腐败 ,保持政治的清廉与公平。
It is crucial for improving ideological and political work to find out the crux of the problem. What is badly needed to solve are as follows: Firstly, a specialized political work team of high quality should be formed. Secondly, put the emphasis of the work in communities. The last but not the least, the Party's and government's images should be fundamentally improved, and corruption should be eradicated.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences