二十年代 ,胡适和梁启超先后为清华学生开列两份“国学书目” ,在当时青年学生和思想界产生了很大的影响。两份书目在编制方法、著录形式、收书范围等方面存在着多方面的差异 ,互有优劣 ,显示了胡、梁国学研究的异趣。本文对在中西文化冲突和民族危机严重的时代背景下 。
In the 1920s, Hu Shi and Liang Qichao made two “lists of Chinese Classics” for Tsinghua students, which greatly affected the young students and the world of thinkers. Both of them have their own merits and flaws though they vary in method and scope. This paper aims to explore the different interests of Hu Shi and Liang Qichao in their study of Chinese Classics and make an objective evaluation of the fact that they, as mentors for youth, offered guidance for students in reading Chinese Classics agninst the historic background of national crisis and cultural conflicts between the East and the West.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)