语言是人类最重要的交际工具 ,人们在用语言进行交际时 ,必须要注意语音的标准、用词的规范 ,否则就会影响交际。尤其是在科技现代化飞速发展的今天 ,更要注意语言规范。本文针对学习普通话、掌握标准音的问题 ,从普通话声调角度 ,介绍一种分辨平翘舌的方法。
Language is the most important instrument of communication for man.We must pay attention to the criterion of pronunciation and the standard of wording in our oral communication in order not to be misunderstood.We should pay more attention to the standard of language in such days that the modernization of science and technology develops at full speed.The thesis introduce a method to discern flat cocky from the angel of tone in accordance with the study of standard spoken Chinese and the grasp of standard pronunciation.
Journal of Shenyang College of Education