西部大开发 ,人才是关键。我国西部人才资源的基本特征是 :数量不足、分布不均、使用效率低下、“两极化”现象严重。基于此 ,提出了西部人才资源开发的前提、基点和主要途径等相关因素。并就西部人才资源的配置提出如下措施 :以中心城市为依托 ,构筑西部人才高地 ;以市场为主导 ,建立“行政—市场”相互协调的配置机制 ;以国外经验为借鉴 。
People is the key factor for developing West Regions. The human resources in West Regions have following basic characteristics:limited numbers,uneven distribution,low efficiency of application and serious polarization. Based on this fact,it describes the factors related to presupposition,basic points,and main ways. And then it suggests some measures on deposition of human resource in West Regions,such as backing on central cities;building West high platform of qualifies people;establishing deposition mechanism of “administration market” mutual coordination in the orientation of market;and creating deposition pattern of West human resources in the light of foreign experiences.
R&D Management