家族文化是中国古代文化存在的一种重要形式。汉魏六朝时期的世代簪缨泰山高门羊氏 ,不仅在政治舞台上颇有作为 ,而且族人之中诗书薪传、家学相承 ,形成了独特的家族文化。孕育出羊弼、羊祜、羊欣、羊士谔等对当时之学术宗教与文学艺术产生了重要影响的历史名人。本文从经学、文学、书法及宗教四个方面 ,对羊氏家族文化作一撮述 。
Family culture is an important aspect of ancient Chinese culture.From Han Dynasty to the Six Dynasties,the noble Yang Shi family in Taishan gained great success in politics,and formed a special family culture.Today,The historic title is affecting exceedingly the religion,literature and art. In this paper,Yang Shi family culture will be summarized as study of Confucian classics,literature,calligraphy and religion;moreover,its cultural features and histiorical relationship will be searched for.