当我们将科学建制放到社会情境中考察的时候 ,科学建制的职责不再仅是拓展确证无误的知识 ,其更重要的目标是为人类及其环境谋取更大的福利。因此 ,科学研究中的责任成为对科学进行全局性伦理考量的一个主要方面 ,而以社会责任为核心内容的科学工作者的职业伦理规范 ,也得以广泛地建构。除广泛深入地建构各种职业伦理准则外 ,还需要在整体上确立对科学进行伦理考量的基本原则。无疑 ,这一整体性的基本原则 ,既是科学的社会规范的拓展 ,又是科学职业伦理准则的基准 ,由此成为一种兼顾科学建制与全社会的目标的开放的规范框架。
As we put the scientific institution in social situation under observation,the duty of the sicenfific institution is not only to expand knowledge that is exactly verified.The more important goal is to work for more welfare of human beings and their environment.Therefore,the duty of scientific study becomes one of the main aspects in which we engage in overall ethical inspection on science.And the scientific workers' occupational ethical standards revolved around the social duty is also widely constructed.In addition,the basic principle on which ethical inspections on science are to be conducted needs entirely establishing.Undoubtedly,the entire basic principle is the expansion of the scientific social standards,and the criterion of scientific occupational ethical norms as well.Consequently,it turns into an open standard frame that consideration must be given to both the scientific institution and the goals of the whole society.
Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)