《庞居士误放来生债》是元杂剧中以佛教居士为主人公 ,赞美疏财仗义、扶困济贫 ,批判金钱罪恶、世风衰微的典型作品 ,堪称元曲中之《钱神论》。明清亦有多种以庞居士故事为题材的杂剧和传奇 ,但学者们很少注意到它。对剧中题材之来源及其价值情况作一些探讨 ,有助于深入了解中国古代戏曲的发展脉络。
In Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty, Pang Ju Shi Wu Fang Lai Sheng Zhai may well be called Qian Shen Lun in Yuangqu, which is a typical work taking lay Buddhist as its hero, praising generosity in aiding needy people and criticising degeneration of public morals. There are Zaju and legends in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, taking Pang story as the subject matter, which does not arouse scholars’ attention. Approach to the source of its subject matter and its value is conducive to a deeper understanding of the development of China’s ancient drama.
Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)