本文在对三亚市畜牧业的自然资源及生产现状进行考查的基础上 ,分析了三亚市畜牧业在结构升级及资源配置方面存在的问题。并指出三亚市畜牧业发展模式应是在现有资源有效配置的基础上 ,充分利用自身的旅游资源强势所产生的比较利益 ,去弥补畜牧业生产的缺口。在此大前提下 ,畜牧业的发展应在以下几个方面寻求突破 :1发展生态型畜牧业 ,保证畜牧业的可持续发展。 2充分利用海洋优势 ,开发动物蛋白饲料资源。 3调整产业结构 。
Based on the investigation of the natural animal husbandry resource and the current production statu in Sanya city, this paper analysed the problems during the stracture grading of the animal production and in the resource disposition, and pointed out that the developing model for the animal husbandry of Sanya city should make full use of the comparative benefit produced by the superiority in tourism resource to make up the gap in animal production on the base of effective disposition of the present resource, and under this prerequisite, the development of animal husbandry should look for the breakthrough points in following ways: ① developing ecological animal production to insure the sustainable development; ② developing animal protein feed resource through full use of the ocean resource; ③ adjusting industry structure to promote the modernization of animal husbandry.\;
Ecology of Domestic Animal