研究直眼掏槽炮眼合理封堵炮泥长度和后续炮眼起爆延迟时间。通过分析槽腔内岩石的破碎过程、未装药段岩石的抛掷运动和固气两相流的喷出 ,得出掏槽炮眼合理封堵炮泥长度上、下限的计算公式、装药长度与炮眼抛碴效率之间的关系式和后续炮眼起爆延迟的计算公式。在实践中 ,将计算结果应用于实际爆破作业 ,平均炮眼利用率达到 92 3 % ,实现了较高的爆破效率。
The formulae are deduced for calculating the rational length of stemming in burn-cut cavity and delay shot time of successive holes The lower limit of the stemming length depends on the rock breaking process in the cavity,and the upper limit relates to the pressure of the solid-gas flow in the cavity The relationship between charge part length and efficiency of holes is decided by the case of broken rock thrown out of the cavity The delay shot time of successive holes consists of three parts:rock being broken in the charge part,cracking in chargefree part,and the broken rock being thrown out of the cavity The results calculated are proven to be reliable in practice blasting,and 92 3% efficiency of holes is achieved
Nonferrous Metals
国家自然基金资助项目 ( 5 99740 19)