介绍了东大滩难浸金矿石微生物预氧化的方法及结果。东大滩石英脉型锑金矿石因金被毒砂包裹而难浸 ,采用微生物预氧化处理后全泥氰化金的浸出率由原来的 1 7 0 4%提高到 70 80 % ,柱浸由 1 5 39%提高到 6 3 0 2 % ,且酸耗较低 ,各项指标合理 。
The stibuim gold quartz veins ores occurring in Dongdatan are difficult to be leached out because of gold embraced by arsenopyrite. By means of the treatment of preoxidation of microorganism, the extracting rate of all sliming cyanidation of gold can be increased from the original 17 04 % to 70 80 % and columnar leaching of gold from 15 39 % to 63 02 %. And this method of extraction of gold is characterized by acid consumption lower and all indexes reasonable, which is an idealized method to process this kind of ores.
Geology of Shaanxi