将急性感染期猪全血用低渗法、皂素法、冻融法裂解红细胞经离心浓缩制备成抗原,用康复猪血清,创建了附红细胞体凝集试验,并用厌氧法创建了体外培养增殖附红细胞体的方法,用上述方法增殖浓缩抗原制成附红细胞体疫苗,临床保护期可达 8个月,抗血液寄生保护期可达 6个月,并发现早期感染猪血清中有一种免疫抑制物质。
Make the bload of the acute infected pigs into antigen by sptiting the erythrocyte,and use the serum of the recorered pigs to create para- evythrocyte for coagulation test Cultivate the multiplication of the pavareyther cyte by way of anaerobic.The pavarey throcy te are made by the multiple lonentrate autigen.The test proved that the clinial proteltion period can last for 8 mouths,and the anti- pavasite protection period car last for 6 mouth,in addition,A immuhe inhibitor was discovered in the sernm of the pigs of the early in fected stage.
Henan Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine