详细地介绍了 SL R( Satellite L aser Range)资料的快速分析处理技术。SLR资料的分析处理方法、采用的力学模型和解参数的多少根据目标的不同而异。但是其关键是对 SLR卫星进行精密定轨。本文对此进行了详细分析、比较 ,得出了目前上海天文台已采用的解算模式。根据该解算模式 ,我们分析处理了 1 998年 1 2月 31日至 1 999年 6月 2 9日 ,每 3天一弧段的 ,L AGEOS卫星的 SLR资料。结果显示每 3天弧段的定轨的残差的 rms约为± 1 cm左右。
LAGEOS 1 & LAGEOS 2 quick look residual analysis is introduced in detail in this paper. The method analyzing the data of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) ,the force models used and the number of parameters estimated should be changed with the different purposes. The schemes were different from each other in the parameters being estimated. The orbits determined from the schemes were compared with each other and were analyzed with the number of parameters estimated in detail. The scheme being used by SHAO was selected from the several schemes. In this paper, the results of LAGEOS quick look residual analysis from Dec.31,1998 to Jun.29,1999 are set out only. The results show that the root mean squares of the residuals are about ±1 cm. SHAO has begun the service of LAGEOS 1 & LAGEOS 2 quick look residual analysis since Oct.1,1999.
Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica
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