目的 :为研究放射复合伤口难愈合的机制 ,观察单纯伤口及放射复合伤口愈合过程中肌成纤维细胞数量的动态变化。方法 :利用本实验室已建立的放射复合伤口动物模型 ,采用光镜、电镜、免疫组化等方法 ,动态观察伤口愈合过程中肌成纤维细胞数量的变化。结果 :2 5Gy(γ射线 )局部照射对伤口愈合有明显的损害作用 ,照射组伤口较对照组伤口延迟 6d愈合。与正常对照组相比 ,照射组肌成纤维细胞出现晚、高峰期数量少。结论 :辐射引起伤口愈合过程中肌成纤维细胞数量减少 ,时相延迟 ,从而影响伤口收缩 。
Objective To study the pathological changes and t he number of myofibroblasts in the course of simple wound and radiationcombine d woun d healing. Methods: A rat model of radiationcombined wound hea ling was used. Routine light microscopy, electron microscopy, and immunohistoche mistry were performed to observe the myofibroblasts during the healing process. Results The healing process was impaired and delayed in radiat ion_combined wound. In rats receiving 25 Gy local ~{&C~}_irradiation the wounds healed 6 days later than in the nonirradiated controls. The number of myofibro blasts was decreased as compared with the controls, and the phase lagged. ~{!<~}WTHZ ~{!=~}Conclusions The number of myofibroblasts was decreased during the hea ling process of radiationcombined wounds, which may be one of the main factors causing delay of healing.
Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences
全军"九五"医药卫生科研基金重点项目 ( 96Z0 0 8)