创业板市场代表着未来的“新经济”。创业板市场为具有“增长潜力”的中小型科技企业、民营企业提供融资支持 ,可以弥补主板市场的功能缺陷 ,在实际运作中 ,创业板与主板之间表现为明显的互相促进和互为补充的关系。创业板市场在上市资源、投资理念、解决历史遗留问题、市场监管制度安排等方面对主板市场带来不同程度的影响 ,协调好主板与创业板市场关系 ,有利于推进我国证券市场的健康发展。
The upcoming Second Board (Innovation Board) market in China, which stands for developing new economy, will remedy existing functional deformities in unique main board market by offering financial support for small and medium-sized promising high technology enterprises and private enterprises. The Second Board market and main board market can reinforce and promote each other during capital market operating, though the former will bring to the latter various shocks, including shocks on competing for going-public enterprises, on capital and money flows, on investors' portfolio elections, on resolving historical items of stock market, and on stock market regulation arrangements. It's of great importance for the governments to coordinate the structure and development of both markets so as to propel market-oriented reform process of China's security market further more.