根据两种电力系统的调度模式 ,即中心调度电力系统 (CentralizedPowerSystem)和分区调度电力系统 (DecentralizedPowerSystem) ,研究电力市场条件下的区域间电力交易问题。基于对策理论 ,阐述各个区域如何确定自己的投标策略以赢得最优效益 ;区域间如何对策以获取各方满意条件下的交易平衡点 (NashEquilibriumPoint)。最后 ,分析各区域投标策略及交易次序变化对电力交易的效益。
According to the manipulative idea of a centralized and a decentralized power system, this paper analyzes the problem of electric power transaction trades in Multi Area systems. Using game theory, the optimal strategy is deter min ed to optimize the profits of individual areas and the Nash equilibrium point is calculated. How the strategic bidding and the sequence of transaction trade affects the transaction trade value and their optimal prices is described.
Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering