Cy—1000Y内镜洗消机可将所产生臭氧水溶液加压后经多个小孔喷出,对物品进行冲洗消毒。采用定量杀菌试验,对其除菌效果进行了检测。结果,以其含臭氧 0.08 mg/ L溶液浸泡 5 min,对不锈钢片表面大肠杆菌与福氏痢疾杆菌杀灭率< 99.9%;作用 30 min,不能将悬液中 HBsAg抗原性破坏。以该臭氧溶液加压冲洗 0.5 min,对不锈钢片表面细菌灭除率达 100%(自来水加压冲洗 5 min,清除率为96.72%);对染 HBsAg不锈钢片冲洗 4 min,检测 S/ N值为 0.98(自来水冲洗 5 min者为 1.01)。上述结果说明,该洗消机主要是机械清除作用。
Cy-1000Y Endoscope Washing Disinfector can spray water solution of ozone generated through a number of small holes after pressurization for rinse and disinfection of articles. Its efficacy in eliminating bacteria was examined using quantitative bactericidal test. The results showed that immersion in its solution containing ozone 0.08 mg / L for 5 min killed < 99.9% of Escherichia colt and Shigella flexneri on surface of stainless steel coupon, while contact for 30 min could not destroy HBsAg antigenicity in suspension. Pressurized rinse with the ozone solution for 0.5 min killed 100% of the bacteria on surface of stainless steel coupon (pressurised rinse with tap water for 5 min could eliminate 96.72% of the bacteria). The S / N (test sample / negative control) ratio of the stainless steel coupons contaminated by HBsAg (tested by SPRIA) was 0.98 after rinse for 4 min (the value after rinse with tap water for 5 min was l.01). The above results indicate that the function of the washing disinfector is mainly mechanical elimination.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection