实践的客观性和能动性源于物质的客观性和辩证性 ,实践的受动性和受制约性源于物质的客观性和规律性 ,实践本体论颠倒了二者的关系。由此必然导致唯我论。马克思主义哲学的创立有研究和表述两方面。从研究即发生学的角度看 ,唯物史观在先 ,因而实践范畴在先 ;从表述的逻辑看 ,则是物质范畴在先 ,实践范畴在后。自然界在时间上和物质范畴在逻辑上的先在性 ,并不会否定实践的重要性和实践范畴的核心地位 ,就像《资本论》
The objectivity and dynamic role of practic e originate from the object ivity and dialectical character of matter whereas practice being acted upon and constrained can be accounted for by the objectivity and regularity of matter. Th e ontology of practice reverses such a relationship and leads to, of necessity, solipsism. There are two aspects to Marxist Philosophy: research and explanation . From a research (genetic) point of view, historical materialism comes first an d so does the category of practice; but from the perspective of logic of explana tion, the category of matter comes before the category of practice. The facts th at temporally nature comes first and that logically the category of matter comes first do not negate the importance of practice or the kernel status of the cate gory of practice.
Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)