美国寻求替代燃料酒精始于20世纪70年代。目前 ,美国已将部分酒精加入汽油作燃料使用 ,比例为汽油90% ,乙醇10% ,名曰酒精汽油(gashol)。美国生产乙醇燃料的公司有80家左右 ,年销售作燃料的酒精41~43亿升 ,但仅占石油总销量的8% ,比例很低 ,主要原因是乙醇成本大大高于石油成本。作为可再生能源 ,酒精是一种可替换汽油的燃料。(一平)
Americans have sought fuel substitute by utilizing alcohol since 1970′s and today they have already made use of this kind of new fuel-gashol (addition of alcohol in gasoline, 90% gasoline and 10% alcohol). There are about 80 corporations which manufacture gashol and the annual sale volumn of alcohol as fuel is 4.1~4.3 billion litres, which is only 8% of the total sale volumn of gasoline and the main reason for the situations is higher production costs of alcohol compared with the production costs of gasoline. However, alcohol as recycling resources could be regarded as a substitute of gasoline.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology