南美斑潜蝇在贵州省 1年发生 13~ 15代 ,无明显越冬现象 ,一般菜区以蛹越冬 ,冬季大棚栽培的蔬菜和暖冬年份大田能以幼虫和蛹同时越冬。 12月中旬露地越冬蛹开始进入休眠状态 ,休眠期长达 70 d左右 ,越冬主要寄主是芹菜、蚕豆、莴苣、茼蒿及小量番茄、瓜类幼苗。自然条件下 ,世代重叠明显 ,初步查明该虫的发育起点温度为 7.0 4℃ (为卵、幼虫和蛹的平均值 )。
There are 13 to 15 generations for Liriomza huidobrensis annually in Guizhou province, and there is no obvious overwintering phenomenon. Usually, overwintering form is pupa. Both larva and pupa are existing in mulching culture or in warm winter. It begins its dormant period in middle December for bare overwintering pupa, dormancy period is 70 days. The major hosts are celery, broad bean, lettuce, and crowndaisy, minor hosts are seedlings of tomato and melon crops. In natural conditions, generations are overlapped. Preliminary investigation shows that initial developmental temperature is 7.04 ℃ (average for egg, larva, and pupa)
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences