采用“弯矩逐段解体法”沿建筑物的对角线方向爆破的方法 ,成功地拆除了一栋七层框架结构大楼。文中对沿对角线方向倾倒与平行于梁的方向倾倒的受力情况进行了对比 ,并对沿对角线方向倾倒时梁的受力情况进行了详细分析。此外 ,对爆破参数和网路设计以及安全技术作了论述。
By means of “section by section disintegration with the bending moment”and by collapsing along the diagonal line,a seven storey frame building was successfully demolished using blasting method The comparison of stress conditions when the building was collapsed along the diagonal line or in the parallel direction to longitudinal girders was carried out The stress condition of the girders when the building was collapsed along the diagonal line was analyzed in detail In addition,the design of blasting parameters and network and the blasting safety technology were expounded
Engineering Blasting