排料即是在一块给定的大钢板上按最优方式排布并切割出一系列的二维零件,使得废料尽可能地少。这是工业生产中广泛遇到的问题。ICANS 是一套低价的交互式计算机辅助排料系统,它可以自动产生一个初排方案,然后由人交互地调整和改善以便得到满意的材科利用率和符合工艺要求。
The aim of a nesting problem is to determine how a number of twodimensional parts are arranged on and cut out of a given steel plate in an optimummanner to produce less craps such problems are often encountered in industry.ICANS is a Iow-cost interactive computer-aided nesting system by which a tentativenesting plan can be generated automatically,then is so adjusted and improvedinteractively that a satisfying material utilization is obtained and some importanttechnological requirements are met.
Computer Applications and Software