对俄罗斯产CT系列织机中的传动装置———凸轮、滚轮副磨损的因素进行了分析 ,并在实验数据的基础上 ,运用相似理论和量纲分析的方法 ,建立了凸轮、滚轮副磨损的数学模型 .该数学模型较准确地描述了凸轮、滚轮副工作表面磨损量的变化 .如果作用于其上的载荷分布图和沿凸轮轴转角方向产生滑动的程度已知 ,可以用于预测凸轮、滚轮副在任何状态下和工作循环数时的磨损量 .
On the basis of analysis of wear of cam and roller set in the shuttleless loom which is made in Russia, mathematical model of wear of cam and roller set is achieved by the aid of theory of similarity and experiment. It can be found application in forecast of wear of cam and roller set.
Journal of Zhengzhou Textile Institute